Troubleshoot Your Ordering Device
Opticon Unit
Download the Manual to troubleshoot your device, or call Customer Service at (800) 743-1761 (press 2).
Tiva Unit
Download the Manual to troubleshoot your device, or call Customer Service at (800) 743-1761 (press 2).
Ciper Unit
Did my order go through?
A screen will appear with a confirmation number. If no number appears or you are unsure, go to the review option on the main menu and if your order is still there, that means it did not transmit. Please send the order again.
Why won't my unit transmit?
Make sure the unit is seated in the cradle. Make sure that there is electricity to the cradle (the red light will be on). Make sure the phone line is working.
Why won't the unit redial?
Go to the UTILITIES menu, go to COMM SETTINGS, press option 5 (REDIAL). If there isn’t a quantity in the COMM SETTINGS, put the number 2 in the field.
Why won't a barcode scan?
You may not be authorized to order that item. Contact the Customer Service Department or your Retail Services Rep.
I called about an item, but it still will not scan.
A screen will appear with a confirmation number. If no number appears or you are unsure, go to the review option on the main menu and if your order is still there, that means it did not transmit. Please send the order again.You should do a “get update” weekly in order for the unit to keep up-to-date information on new items and retail changes.
When I try to send my order, it goes back to the connect menu.
Verify that the cradle has electricity and that the phone line is working. To verify that the phone line is working, attach another phone to the line and make sure you hear a dial tone.
I cannot scan items with the unit.
Whenever you do a full update, verify that you get a confirmation screen saying that the update was completed. If the telephone line fails, the unit will not have any data in it. Do a “get update” and see if that fixes the problem. If not, please contact Customer Service at (800) 743-1761 (press 2).
My unit says not dial tone.
A screen will appear with a confirmation number. If no number appears or you are unsure, go to the review option on the main menu and if your order is still there, that means it did not transmit. Please send the order again.The unit was likely set up incorrectly. Power off the cradle and trace all of the phone lines from the wall or fax machine to the cradle. If the phone lines aren’t directly in the wall or through a fax machine, make these changes. Finally, verify that the cord and the cradle have a tight connection and turn the cradle back on.
My unit won't send my order at all.
The red light on the cradle should be on. If the light isn’t on, verify that the cradle is plugged in by tracing the wire back into the wall to make sure the unit is plugged in. If you have no light and your unit is plugged in, contact Customer Service at (800) 743-1761 and press 2, or contact your Sales Rep.
My unit was transmitting and it looked like it failed.
Power the cradle off then back on and try to transmit again.
I'm not sure that my order transmitted properly.
Check the review mode. If the order is still there, Imperial did not receive it. Try to transmit again.